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One FullFILLing Friday!

Yesterday the ODB kitchen was filled with our dedicated volunteers who filled bags & containers with food from 4 separate food rescue donations! This food was then used to fill our 24/7 community fridge so our neighbors in need could fill their belly’s! What a fullFILLing Friday and a great way to head into the weekend! BIG THANKS to all of our volunteers, donors and local food rescue partners for making it possible for us to carryout our mission of fighting food insecurity in the MOT area!

Food insecurity is a real problem in our area, and we can’t do this important work without the generous help and support from those in our community! If you would like to partner with Our Daily Bread to help fight food insecurity in our area you can sign up through the volunteer application right here on our website or give us a call at 302-287-9540 and see how you can #getinvolved !!

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